Onca Tours
Business Name
Business Genre
Business Description

¡Bienvenidos a Rio Celeste Tubing Onca Tours! Somos una agencia de viajes y turoperador especializado en deportes de aventura en la hermosa zona de senderismo de Rio Celeste. Ven y disfruta de una emocionante experiencia de tubing en nuestras cabañas de madera estilo bed & breakfast. Nuestro equipo de guías expertos te acompañará en esta aventura única, donde podrás explorar la exuberante naturaleza, los ríos y la belleza del lugar. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia inolvidable con nosotros en Rio Celeste Tubing Onca Tours! ¡Te esperamos con los brazos abiertos!

Business Email : reservations@riocelestehiking.com

Phone Number
+506 8399 2757
Business Address
Camino a Colonia Naranjeña Suoreste de 3Km, San Rafael de Guatuso, Alajuela, 21504, Costa Rica
Osa Wild Travel
Business Name
Business Genre
Business Summary
OSA WILD, located in Puerto Jimenez, is the first certified 100% Costa Rican tourism office focused specifically on promoting community rural tourism.
Business Description

Osa Wild Travel is a local Costa Rican company that promotes ecotourism. It was created with the heart of a tropical biologist eager to protect the rainforest and restore its ecosystems. Initially frustrated by the immoderate amount of land sold to foreigners, this young entrepreneur focused on finding alternatives for the wellbeing of local people through tourism.

This adventure far from being an economically driven initiative has always been oriented by social and environmental welfare. Osa Wild has focused on finding solutions to conserve and protect one of the most biodiverse places on earth. Ifi has inspired local people to preserve their land, and keeps working on the endless task of helping nature and people evolve together in a responsible way.

Visit our website: osawild.travel
Contact us: (506) 2735 5848
Email us: osawild@gmail.com

Our preferred communication is our email.

Phone Number
Business Tags
Business Address
PJ-Carate main street, Provincia de Puntarenas, Puerto Jiménez, Costa Rica